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Libby / Overdrive
Enjoy free ebooks delivered straight to your smartphone, tablet, computer, and eReader!
Supported devices
Android devices (phones & tablets) - Libby app
iOS devices (phones & tablets) - Libby app
Kindle Fire tablets - Overdrive app
Kindle eReaders (Kindle format books now available again through Overdrive)
Kobo - Overdrive app
Nook tablets & ereaders - Overdrive app
PCs, Macs, & Chromebooks
Hoopla Digital Library
Use your Leonia Public Library Card to stream thousands of movies, TV shows, audiobooks, and music albums. No waiting and no fines--ever!
Supported devices
iOS devices (phones & tablets)
Android devices (phones and tablets)
Kindle Fire/HD/HDX
PCs, Macs, Chromebooks, Linux PCs & more (via web browser)
Mango Languages
Your Leonia Library card gets you access to a free account with Mango Languages! Choose from many languages and specialty courses! You must sign up on a desktop/laptop computer. Once signed up, you can use the app.
New York Times Online
Leonia Public Library's New York Times digital subscription provides ongoing access to When you subscribe with your Leonia Public Library card, you’ll get access to articles and blog posts, as well as video, slide shows and other multimedia features. This includes the latest content and news as well as access to articles from 1851 to present day.
Yes24Library is a valuable resource for patrons of public libraries, offering a comprehensive collection of eBooks in the Korean language. This service provides free access to a wide range of books, covering various genres and topics, making it an ideal tool for readers of all ages and interests. As a digital library, Yes24Library allows users to conveniently borrow and read eBooks on their devices, eliminating the need for physical copies and enabling easy access to literature and knowledge. Whether you are looking to explore fiction, non-fiction, academic texts, or children's books, Yes24Library ensures that Korean-speaking readers can enjoy an extensive selection of quality reading material at no cost. Thanks to the generous contribution from Paramus Public Library, all BCCLS libraries have free access to this website.
Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video platform for public and academic libraries that offers films, TV shows, educational videos and documentaries free with your Leonia Library card. Kanopy can be viewed on a computer, mobile device, or television via a web browser supporting HTML video or the Kanopy app for Amazon Fire Tablet and Fire Stick, Android, Apple iOS, Chromecast and Roku.