Current Happenings
“The Leonia Library has always been our haven and our source for literature, music, biographies and non-fiction.”
Digital Library Collections
Enjoy free Korean eBooks, streaming films and TV shows, language learning, and more—all at the touch of a button with your Leonia Library card, without leaving home! Borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks, and digital magazines on your smartphone, tablet, computer, or other devices. Plus, Leonia Library cardholders get access to even more eBooks, eAudiobooks, comics, music, movies, and TV shows through Kanopy and Hoopla
Get a Library Card
There are many benefits to having a Leonia Public Library Card. Not only does a Leonia Public Library Card give you access to Leonia's collections of print and digital books, videos, music, games and more, but access to the 76 other libraries in our BCCLS consortium!
returning services
tech help
Did you know that the library offers more than just books? We also provide technical help! If you are struggling with your computer, smartphone, or tablet, you can make a half-hour one-on-one appointment where library staff will sit down and walk you through your technology.
To make an appointment, call 201-592-5770 or visit our website at:
3D Printing: reopens on 5/4/24
Did you know the library has a 3D printer? You can submit your designs starting 5/4/24. Click here for more information: 3D Printing